A Very Busy Spangles Christmas
We love the lead up to Christmas and 2018 has been another bumper season for the ladies, who have been raising funds for local charities in several venues.
“Each year gets busier with requests to sing at people’s Christmas celebrations and we love to get people in the festive mood” said Wendy Grant, Chorus Musical Director.
The holiday season started with a Christmas Fayre at A Time 4 a Change in Los Alcázares, raising 345€ for Cruz Azul Murcia. This was swiftly followed by the MABS craft fair in Los Alcázares, Christmas Lights Ceremony at Spanglish in Balsicas, Spangles Christmas concert in Los Alcázares and a concert at La Manga Caravanning.
“The highlight of our Christmas season has to be when we sang for the staff and patients at Los Arcos Hospital, which was a great honour” said Co-Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. “We were delighted to follow this by singing to the residents of Residencia Lozar in Pozo Aledo. It’s always a pleasure to entertain such lovely residents and staff.”
After enjoying their chorus Christmas lunch, Spangles rounded off their Christmas season with a fundraising concert at C Breeze Cocktail Bar in Playa Flamenca, raising an amazing 300€ for Cruz Azul Murcia and Help at Home, Costa Blanca.
2019 looks like being another busy year for Spangles who will be straight back into rehearsals at Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares on 10 January, as they get ready to compete in the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers’ (SABS) national chorus contest in April.
Are you looking for a New Year resolution? Want to meet new people? Like singing? Fancy joining this great chorus? Spangles always welcomes new members and it’s a fun way to make new friends, so why not visit when they rehearse at Las Claras, Los Narejos, Los Alcázares from January onwards? The group meets every Thursday from 10.15 am to 1.15 pm.
To find out how to join or to book Spangles for an event, please email: info@spangleschorus.com