Poem ‘The Chorus’
Sue Higgins joined Spangles in March 2012 and has proved a valuable member of our Lead Section. She’s also turned out to be quite a poet and entertained the chorus at rehearsal yesterday with this little gem:
The Spangles are my newest pals
their singing just divine
A cappella power at its best
A chorus bright and fine
Auditions done, you are a lead
go join a smashing bunch
A lovely sound and lots of fun
This sound can pack a punch
It’s quite a task to join this group
and keep up with the pace
Stand well, breathe right and learn the words
Oh yes, and work that face
We love to sing and practise hard
the better to perform
We’ll try our best, but drive Gail mad
if chords are quite forlorn
We have sung the notes and smiled a lot
so much our lips will fray
Our moves, one day, will look quite slick
If Anthea has her way
It’s almost time to take a break
and have some R and R
With all the girls who need a rest
On jolly hollies, near and far
So Bari Belles and Super Basses
will all be Super Cool
with Tenor Babs and Linda’s Leads
They’ll all be in the pool
Rehearsals done, all singing thru
but we won’t shed a tear
For moves and notes and chords will shine
at convention – SABS next year!
Sue Higgins
July 2012