
We are a Ladies’ Harmony Chorus and we are three times Barbershop Champions of Spain and Portugal. We meet at the Las Claras Centre in Los Narejos, Los Alcázares, Murcia, Spain every Thursday, from 10.30 until 13.00. If you would like to visit one of our rehearsals, we’d love to see you.
Spangles was formed in December 2004 and we are always happy to welcome new members, so why not come along and see if you would like to join us too?
We perform at various functions, from birthday parties to more formal concerts; so, if you are looking for something different for your function, contact us to make a booking by clicking on the link below:

Our Music

We sing a variety of popular songs, written in a cappella or barbershop harmony style.
We also sing a number of Christmas songs; the festive season being one of our busiest times of the year.
What Is Barbershop?
Barbershop originated in the USA in the early 1900’s. Men waiting for their turn at the barbershop used to sing to pass away the time, and they sang in harmony. Over the years Barbershop has developed into a specific style of harmony; we sing in four parts: Bass, Baritone, Tenor and Lead. We are always looking for new singers, particularly those with lower voices. Most people who have heard of Barbershop assume that it is only sung by men. However, there is a strong women’s Barbershop following throughout the world, including the UK and Europe. The Ladies’ Association of British Barbershop Singers boasts 50+ Choruses, with some comprising in excess of 70 members and Sweet Adelines International has 600 choruses and over 115,000 members worldwide..
Barbershop is about singing in harmony, but also being in harmony. It is the ideal platform to make new friends and sing together at social events in our area. Our main aim is to ensure that our audiences find our performances entertaining and enjoyable…
… and we always ensure that we enjoy ourselves too!

Sing Yourself Happy
There is now significant research evidence on the value of singing for health and wellbeing. Professor Stephen Clift of the Sidney De Haan Research Centre at Canterbury Christ Church University, the only research institution in the world that focuses on singing and health, says, ‘A growing body of research shows that singing is good for well-being. So people can join in with singing and have a good time and know that it’s doing their health good too.’
Why is Singing Good For Us?
- Singing stimulates happiness, which counteracts feelings of sadness and depression
- Singing involves concentration, which blocks preoccupation with sources of worry
- Singing involves deep controlled breathing, which helps with relaxation
- Singing in groups offers social support and friendship, which relieves feelings of loneliness