Monthly Column – October
Health Benefits of Singing
Singing is good for you, without a doubt!
Studies done over several years have focused on the health benefits of singing.
Singing releases endorphins into your system; makes you feel energised and uplifted. People who sing are healthier. Singing gives the lungs a workout, Singing tones abdominal muscles and the diaphragm, and stimulates circulation. Singing makes us breathe more deeply than many forms of strenuous exercise.
Sound therapist Jovita Wallace says, “Sound vibrations massage your aura, going straight to what’s out of balance and fixing it.”
Those A-E-O vowels are pretty powerful:
Singing the short-a sound, as in ahh, for 2-3 minutes will help banish the blues. It forces oxygen into the blood, which signals the brain to release mood-lifting endorphins.
To boost alertness, make the long-e sound, as in emit. It stimulates the pineal gland, which controls the body’s biological clock.
Singing the short-e sound, as in echo, stimulates the thyroid gland, which secretes hormones that control the speed which digestion and other bodily processes occur.
Making the long-o sound, as in ocean, stimulates the pancreas and regulates blood sugar.
To strengthen immunity, sing the double-o sound, as in tool. This activates the spleen, which regulates the production of infection fighting white blood cells.
Sing yourself happy and fit!
Have you ever wondered why choral singers look to be on a high? Why? The health benefits of singing are well documented:
Singing improves your mood. It releases the same feel-good brain chemicals as sex and chocolate! It is very effective as a stress reliever and improves sleep.
Singing releases pain-relieving endorphins, helping you to forget that painful tooth/knee/whatever!
Your posture improves. Lung capacity increases. Singing clears sinuses and respiratory tubes. Your mental alertness improves.
As a result of all this, probably the most important thing, your confidence increases.
Ask yourself – What Health Club offers all these benefits?
Singing increases poise, self-esteem and presentation skills.
Singing strengthens concentration and memory.
Singing develops the lungs and promotes superior posture.
Singing broadens communication.
Singing adds a pleasant quality to speech.
Singing animates the body, mind and spirit.
Singing enables the performer to delve into characterisation.
Singing stimulates insight into prose and poetry and the inner meaning of words.
Singing enriches one’s ability to appreciate the art of great singers.
Singing is an ageless enjoyment – you are never too young or too old.
Singing is therapeutic emotionally and physically.
Did you see all that?
Increases * Strengthens * Develops * Broadens * Adds * Animates * Enables * Stimulates * Enriches * Ageless * Therapeutic
Anything negative there? EVERYTHING about singling is good!!
Lyn sings bass with Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus. If you would like to enjoy all or some of these health benefits, do contact her on: