Our Festive Season
Spangles Ladies’ Harmony Chorus always looks forward to a busy festive season and this year is no exception. We sang at the HaH (Help at Home Mar Menor) Christmas Fair, for AMMA (Alzheimer’s Mar Menor Association) at Iceland in San Javier and, for the first time, for the residents of the Residencia Lozar in Pozo Aledo, where it was a pleasure to see the residents’ faces light up. “The lead up to Christmas is an opportunity for us to give something back to our community and we thoroughly enjoy this time of year“ said Wendy Grant, who has recently taken on the role of Musical Director, after the previous MD returned to live in the UK. A singing member of the chorus since October 2013, Wendy had never directed a chorus before, but she was more than willing to give it a try. She is an accomplished saxophone player and this has held her in good stead when getting to grips with four part harmony. Her debut as Spangles’ new MD came on 3 December at their Christmas Concert, when she acquitted herself with great professionalism and style.
“The chorus is going from strength to strength” commented co-Chorus Manager, Lyn Baines. “We have won the gold medal every time we have competed at the SABS (Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers) convention and we need to keep ahead of the game when other choruses are snapping at our heels. Since winning earlier this year, we have concentrated on improving our sound even more and the hard work has paid off, judging from the great compliments we received from the audience after the show.” Choruses are not allowed to compete the year following their win, so Spangles will be representing Spain in Ireland in October 2016 in the international chorus contest to keep on top of their game. Never resting on their laurels, Spangles will compete in the Spanish national contest again in 2017. The chorus is busy fundraising to cover their travel and accommodation costs and they’re intending to present more concerts during 2016, which will be advertised in the local press, as well on their website: https://www.spangleschorus.com and Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SpanglesChorus/
Chorus members will be making their way to various locations to spend time with family and friends over Christmas and will return for their first rehearsal of 2016 on 7 January. Visitors are always welcome and, if you fancy a new hobby, why not go along to a rehearsal to find out more? They rehearse at Centro Municipal Las Claras in Los Narejos, Los Alcázares from 10.00 until 13.00 every Thursday.
Here’s a few memories from our 2015 festive season (click on a photo to rotate the images). Apologies for those that are sideways on.
Merry Christmas everyone!
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